Membership Perks Enjoy the following perks when you become a member of the South Valley Chamber of Commerce $1000 advertising credit (With a $500 Business SVC Membership) $1500 advertising credit (With a $1,500 Business Elite SVC Membership) Complimentary 1/4 page highlight on ribbon cutting or grand opening event 20% off any additional advertising $1000 advertising credit (With a $500 business SVC Membership) $1500 adverting credit (With a $1500 business SVC Membership) 20% off any additional advertising Free subscription ($75 Value) $1000 advertising credit, no minimum required 20% off all additional advertising Opportunity to submit articles in the Focus sections Opportunity to submit press releases 10% off any in store purchases 10% off any catering or bulk purchases $500 dollar to dollar match on the purchase of a Business Story Free social media cuts with any service $50 off your catering order of 100 items or more! Receive 20% off your PitchCards by using promo code: SVCHAMBER Notary Certificate of Origin Want these perks? Join Now